
We would like to welcome you to the newest version of Kameadesigns.com…kind of like version 2.0. 

 Thank you for stopping by and supporting our family. We have come a long way and will continue to challenge ourselves to grow. In June of this year, we officially made 6 years of being in business. The old saying is so true, time surely flies when youʻre having fun...I don’t know where the time went, or how it happened so quickly…but I do know that we are right where God wants us to be. 

 To all of you who have followed us from the beginning, you have seen first-hand my growth as a designer, seamstress, small business owner, wife and mother. When we first started this dream, we were a family of 3 and we lived in an apartment in Waimanalo. Fast forward 6 years and not only has our business grown, but we are now a family of 5…that’s right my husband and I, our 3 children have planted our roots back on the Big Island. 

 I look forward to this new season ahead and what God has in store for us. I hope to write a new blog monthly...but with being a wife and mother of 3, we all know how plans change to meet the needs of my family. If you are interested in me sharing anything specific, please let me know. 

 Don’t forget to create an account as this will help with faster checkout times. AND make sure you subscribe to our newsletter for updates and potential promo codes for subscribers ONLY!

 In this season, we have felt uncomfortable, nervous, scared and worried about what's ahead, but that is only when we look at our circumstances. It is kind of like the story in the Bible of Peter walking on water approaching Jesus. Once Peter became worried about the size of the waves and the storm he was in, he started to sink. What we have learned more now than ever before, is to fix our eyes and our hearts on Jesus. The storms will come to pass, but Hebrews 13:8 reminds us that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.


From the Kamea Designs Family, Thank YOU!!!


Clean House…